| 1. | On the alexandrian school of science 论亚历山大里亚科学学派 |
| 2. | The school of science , tsinghua university was founded in 1929 理学院坐落在清华大学校园内的西北区。 |
| 3. | The school of science has been actively engaged in international collaborations 理学院和各系分别与国外许多高校研究所有广泛的交流合作。 |
| 4. | Within the school of science are also several key laboratories and institutes , such as the ministry key laboratories of china 清华大学理学院以培养“高素质高层次多样化创造性”的理科人才为目标。 |
| 5. | In the sping of 2006 , there were 1701 undergraduates , 488 master degree candidates , 555 ph . d . degree candidates and 136 post - doctors in the school of science 2006年春季学期理学院在读本科生1701人硕士生488人博士生555人,在站博士后136人。 |
| 6. | These invigorating undertakings are steps taken by tsinghua for its school of science to enter a new era of growth and development , aiming to advance knowledge in science and to produce distinguished scholars of the future 在清华大学行政管理体制的框架下,理学院院级行政管理属于虚体建制,下设四个实体建制的理科系。 |
| 7. | In 1985 , tsingha s school of science was formally reinstated by the ministry of education , with professor zhou guangzhao , the then president of the chinese academy of sciences , appointed as dean of the school of science 经国家教委批准, 1985年正式恢复重建清华大学理学院,聘请中科院院长周光召院士兼任理学院院长,标志着清华大学理科进入一个新的发展时期。 |
| 8. | The school of science has a total of 286 faculty members , including 154 full professors and 102 associate professors , with half of them having ph . d . degrees . 11 of our faculty members have been elected academicians of the chinese academy of science 截至2005年底,在编教职工300余人,其中教师286人,有中国科学院院士11人,教授或研究员154人,副教授或副研究员102人,博士生导师127人。 |
| 9. | Its schools of science , engineering and business and management offer bachelor , master and doctoral degree programmes while its school of humanities and social science offers postgraduate programmes and provides general education for all undergraduates 科大的理学院、工学院和工商管理学院均开办学士、硕士和博士学位课程,而人文社会科学学院则开设研究生课程,并为各学院的本科生提供通识教育。 |
| 10. | With strong national support and in the face of unprecedented opportunities , the school of science is poised to become a national leader in science education and research . it seeks to advance science through first rate research , cultivate talents through excellent education , and ultimately to serve the society by combining science knowledge with the strong engineering capability of tsinghua university . the school of science strives to do its share in meeting the challenge of developing the university into one of the very best academic institutions in the world 理学院师生正在遵从清华大学创建世界一流大学的宏伟目标,按照理科学科建设的规划以及理科学生的培养计划,发扬清华理科优良的学术传统,依托学校强大的工科背景,发挥生源好的优势,努力开拓进取,锐意改革创新,办出清华理科的特色,不但在科学前沿,而且在国家建设的重要领域,作出应有的贡献,迎接世纪挑战,再度走向辉煌。 |